Our impact

Uplifting our communities

At DSP & Sons, we believe in the profound impact that business can have on the world. With social responsibility at the core of our strategic priorities, we are dedicated to uplifting our communities through education, employment, and supporting local initiatives. By working together, we can achieve positive, sustained change.

Discover how we empower people and protect the environment in our communities. Join us on a journey where every choice makes a difference.

Transforming lives through technology

To empower the next generation, DSP have built a state-of-the-art ICT Centre at Dwenase in the Eastern Region of Ghana.

This centre will serve as a hub for innovation, learning, and skills development in the immediate and surrounding community.

Students benefiting from ICT Centre


Other planned or ongoing projects


Increase in access to technology


Overall communities impacted


Aligning our focus

To guide our overarching objectives for social responsibility, our focus areas are aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs).

In adopting these specific global goals, we aim to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all, through our positive actions.

Natural Potash Production
Natural Potash Production
Palm Oil Production in Ghana

Our impact is a reflection of our values, and a testament to our vision of business, community, and nature thriving together. Our aim is to make a lasting difference.